Sunday, October 31, 2010

Box Of Pink Green Polka Dot Thank You Cards

Happy Halloween!

to Reformation Halloween I Your recipient all by tumbling people with a small little picture:)
There are actually enough people to get to Halloween compelled to feel things on paper, but I am too sometimes so Halloween-T. So when am I already can not celebrate, then I paint I halt.Wie now just get the idea I can not be reconstructed as well. But I know that I have seen a bear on a relatively similar picture at Deviantart.
I hope you like it! Celebrates beautiful.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cotsco Spinning Cycles

# 1 music videos that I like

Hello dear ones,
I'll be in touch again with a little scribbling. This time, one thing that I have long rumspukt in the head. I present in few music videos that made a very interesting find where I liked the songs that are funny or artistic ... or that I think good for another reason.

first Oasis - The Importance of Being Idle

Director: Dawn Shadforth
The song is great and I was finally convinced that Oasis but is not so bad. In addition, the video clip is pretty awesome. I think Rhys Ifans is pure coolness with his diabolical grin and the slightly crazy aura. And otherwise, I find that the clip convinced with the retro-like design.

second Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla

Director: Arni and Kinski
is the case of the band is a Icelandic, to which I can say little else, except that they probably too the best known is. I like the song, which always sung is because it has a nice atmosphere. Even more great is it together with the video. I think the idea of the amazing imaginative and heats the song to me every time the Herz.Manchmal you just have to be a bit childish, no matter how old you are.

third The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight Tonight
Director: Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris
The Smashing Pumpkins are not so jerdemanns thing. I like it really is, even if I can not listen to everything. But I like this song all the more. I particularly like the video that very clearly here in Georges Méliès 'journey is inspired to the moon.

4th Amanda Palmer - Oasis

Director: Michael Pope
Again Oasis, albeit indirectly, ^ ^. Amande Palmer is 50% of the band Dresden Dolls, which I was allowed to live. I find the solo album now, not great sounding different. With this song it is a simply wonderful, especially in connection with the cheerful melody. The video accompanies the absurd and happiness in addition attracts the subject to ridicule. Especially nice find the "God hates you" poster.

5th Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance
Director: Oren Lavie , Yuval and Merav Nathan
I like the song. I find the idea of stop motion animation beautiful and implemented properly. Everything reminds me of just one, but I think the video speaks for itself.

6th The Virgins - Teen Lovers

Director: Ace Norton
about this video I stumbled recently. I like the idea with the "show images" and it fits really well with the song. The only thing that bothers me slightly is the Rumgehampel the singer ... but that belongs to maybe when a band called The Virgins ^____^

heard so, this would once again for this round.

♫ Findt her such contributions interesting and something I should do that more often?
♫ Do you like what Musikviedeos her so?

I would be very welcome comments!
(not that I had a readership, but I can try it even once ...)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pinguecula From Birth Control?

Simply slide out great

Yesterday, the landscape gardener now finished with our access roads and car parking. When I came back late from hockey (Freezers have naturally lost, 0-3 against the Sharks), I am happy animal. Was indeed dark, but thanks to our exterior lighting front I could see some.

Today we have made a great first day with Maren and Flo in Sleaford. Were walking on the beach and ate delicious. And of course we were back in our favorite cafe. Since today was so full that we got no place. So talking to the host, giving us the next available reserved your table, we come again in 10 minutes. No sooner said than done. We came again, and our table was not busy. I call that timing :-) So if you even move in Sleaford or Haffkrug is the beach cafe is highly recommended. The cakes are simply a dream!

Back home it was time. The historical moment of the first time on d em site parking. Also has the same everything worked out great, I'm not (as first feared always) stuck in the wall. Direct parked clean. go straight and a great feeling for the first time the ramp was able to :-) It can even be both doors opened almost completely, so we have plenty of space to the sides. Behind me, can still easily park a car in the driveway. Das dürfen Mutti, Vati und Kathrin dann gerne beim nächsten Mal ausprobieren :-) Wie herrlich, jetzt kann ich mein Auto zu Hause raussaugen und muss nich mehr unendlich viel Geld an der Tanke lassen. Juhu :-) Die Mülltonne steht auch an ihrem Platz. Wirklich sehr sehr praktisch. Die Zuwegung ist wirklich ganz ganz toll geworden. Wir sind wahnsinnig glücklich und freuen uns nen Keks :-) Jetzt hat es auch Sinn, die Kellerfenster auf der Seite des Hauses zu putzen und sie verdrecken nicht sofort wieder mit bei Regen rumspritzendem Sand.

Ich könnte ja nochmal ein bisschen rein- und rausfahren üben...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Digital Clear Blue Easy No Smiley Face


An nur einem Tag wird aus einer Rutsche eine Treppe. Die Katzenkinder of course, all have first taken under the evidence whether the paws and everything just distances are and how fast you can be as high-and runterpesen. But not only for the beasts, it is a new feeling of reaching the house stairs. We are also thrilled. The plaster is still wet from the rain and brightens when dry on something else. But even if it is almost black, it looks great and fits perfectly to our wonderful rabbits nest. Just as we had first presented it is not, but this is the height difference was too great to overcome, and the distance too short. Nothing more like it, despite our very very good.

A Drainage is the parking lot now installed and connected. We can advise on the landscape gardener still embarrassed.

Here is a view from the front door:
So it makes even more fun and joy to come home:)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Beautiful Agony Parecido

creative snack is

A small fashion design or something like that arose when I once wanted to do something else, as an internship and home ...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cervical Polyp What To Expect?


While not all of the previous state but almost. For those who do not know what it was like before (since we had both our old bicycles buhuhuuu mourning *):

What Does The Sideward Peace Sign Mean

looks very good ...

long long we have not heard from us. Some people even asked whether the blog has now ended, or whether it even more exciting news from the rabbit's nest gibt. Mittlerweile gibt es die :-)

Letzte Woche bekamen wir die Nachricht von dem uns beauftragten Landschaftsgärtner bzw. seiner Frau, dass man diese Woche bei uns anfangen würde mit der Zuwegung und dem Auto-Stellplatz. Toll wie mein liebster Hase ist, hat er schon mal angefangen unsere selbstgebastelte Bretterzuwegung zu beseitigen, so dass ich nur noch wenig helfen musste, als ich von der Arbeit zu Hause war. Dabei hat er was gefunden...

Schick nech? Die hatte es sich unter unseren Brettern gemütlich gemacht. Nachdem die Bretter allesamt beseitigt waren, haben wir die schicke Erdkröte dann aus ihrem vorläufigen Gefängnis, dem Eimer, befreit (der war ihr sichtlich zuwider) und in die Nähe des Regenrückhaltebeckens gesetzt, wo sie dann auch gleich fröhlich rumgewatschelt ist. Ich muss ja gestehen, dass ich noch nie eine Kröte so nah gesehen hab. Ich finde es toll, wie viele Tiere bei uns so auf dem Grundstück wohnen. Dieses Jahr hatten wir auch gleich zwei Schwalbennester, die fleissig für Nachwuchs gesorgt haben.

Ach, wo wir grad bei den Schwalben sind. Eines der Kücken ist wohl aus dem Nest gefallen. Beim Eintreffen zu Hause nach der Arbeit wurde ich von meinem Hasen begrüßt mit den Worten "Wir haben Zuwachs bekommen". Ich dachte schon weiß Gott was. Aber unsere Yuna hat das Kücken natürlich gleich mit nach Hause gebr acht, als sie was allowed out at night. I, the little girl was totally at the end of the world. Thomas has lovingly cared for and feed up trying. Quickly we went to the pet shop to get some crickets (who has already been set in such a guest?). It was, unfortunately, nothing, because it all had to. But the baby had yet something to eat. So what makes the love bunny? Go to Fliegen-/Mückenfang. Gossip! Even the dinner was assured. Piepsi (so I've christened it right) but did not really. But watt mutt, mutt datt. Beak, fly in, finished. It works!! We have Piepsi then built a nest and hoped that it survives the night. Just a little heat lamp and then sleep. The first course on the next morning of course led first to Piepsi. Lo and behold, he was still alive and very well. Small precocial, of course slipped away in the night from his provisional home. Fortunately, he has remained in the shoebox. During the day Piepsi could then protected from the Mietzen spend in the bathtub and in the evening we arrived with fresh crickets home. And again: forced feeding! Hare had made the day of sly, where there are close to us bird rearing, because we did not care, unfortunately, the necessary knowledge nor the time for us to Piepsi. After force-feeding, we have a very nice then Piepsi Frau im Nachbarort gebracht. Dort durfte er dann mit Artgenossen allen Alters wieder gesund werden. Ich hoffe, Piepsi hat es überstanden und ist gerüstet für seinen baldigen langen Flug.

So, nun aber wieder zurück zum eigentlichen Thema. Bei uns sind nun als o die Landschaftsgärtner zu Gange. Gestern sah das ganze ja schon gut aus. Aber als ich heute nach Hause kam, hat mich fast der Schlag getroffen. Momentan sieht es eher aus wie eine Rutsche, aber daraus werden mal Treppen. Rechts ist Platz für die Mülltonne geblieben und dahinter ist bereits das ERSTE BLUMENBEET abgetrennt. Netterweise haben sie auch gleich schon etwas von unserem Mutterboden reingefüllt. Natürlich darf da kein Blümel fehlen, So I'm currently placed in the bucket blooming lupine. That remains is because non-clear, but one sees at least equal to what is to be there ;-) And the podium is riiiiiiieeeeeeesig. Really great. Even better than we had imagined.

We had planned the whole Excavating of car parking space to make yourself to save some costs. The first attempt with the blade by hand, however, failed miserably. I've used up all around construction equipment rental company and to find that lend such a mini-excavator is almost as expensive as if we give this position but in order. We then discussed with the landscape gardeners that they please but Excavating should, but the sand does not leave it behind the house to pack, where later on the terrace is out. Yesterday was not a lot of digging to see a small pile of sand was already in our future patio. But we have indeed chosen the right landscaper. Today I could not believe my eyes when I drove by the house. Since it looked back then that is this:
The beasts are absolutely thrilled that they no longer have to climb the board to come home. The two are only on rumpesen like crazy and climb on anything. It is everywhere rumgeklettert it: on the stored next to the house granite steles, on the forward cast Steele and the excavator has done them very special. What a great new playground :-) Now I could bang shut you with photos, but I'd better leave too. Will not mean that you get a cat-on-new-playground-overload ;-)
We are incredibly happy with the progress and are very excited, parked the car on the property soon to be able to clean the foot and comfortably into the house to come. And who's made this possible? The attentive reader will be able to answer the question itself. But I'm not like that. Of course we have to thank my dear parents. Otherwise we would have first nor may save a few more years.

And now I can not longer contain myself. Et voila, the flower bed!
For today we say thank you for reading and goodbye, until next time your rabbit

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jewerly Wording Invites

movie cliches

I'm busy right now but something ... make internship and write alongside two papers. But one of them I've made today, so here is a small thing to celebrate the day.
Today I met with Spiegel Online on this picture gallery that has me just a little amused. It's about to film cliches, which determines each of these are already aufgelallen one or the other. There is for example, that woman in the morning then on, the shirt of the man, and such things. And who from one gallery still has enough non, click their way through the same Second . Text is read it of course and the possibility his favorite, not listed stereotypes supplement.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sore Knees Snowboarding

Pixar Short Film: Day and Night

Like, the supporting film of Toy Story 3! Here's some more info from Pixar ...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Does Pinnacle Tv Work


Genres: action, mystery, science fiction
Running time: 148 minutes
Director: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Leonado DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt , Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Marion Cotillard, Michael Caine, etc.
Story: Cathedral Cobb earns his money in an unusual, even illegal as he steals ideas from dreams. But it goes wrong the last order. The man, der Ziel des Angriffs werden sollte, macht ihm jedoch ein Angebot: Cobb soll im Kopf seines Geschäftskonkurrenten eine Idee einpflanzen. Die meisten Leute, die ebenfalls in der Branche des Traumdiebstahls arbeiten, halten diese sogenannte Inception für unmöglich. Doch das Angebot ist zu verlockend: Als Gegenleistung soll Cobb wieder nach Amerika zurück kehren dürfen, wo seine Kinder auf ihn warten...

Bewertung: Also ich wüsste schon, in wessen Träume ich gerne mal reinschauen würde: Christopher Nolans, der auch das Drehbuch geschrieben hat. Ich bin lange nicht mehr aus dem Kino gegangen und war so geflasht und sprachlos. Der Film zeigt, dass ein Actionfilm auch Handlung can have. And then such a thoughtful and imaginative! The story is gripping from the first until the last seconds. The effects are stunning and the soundtrack fits perfectly, without being obtrusive. The film can, at least for me, nothing to be desired. Even when I'm in between, okay so and so is now being run, missed the film a the last moment a kick in the ass. Who other Christopher Nolan films
really great place, will be thrilled with this. All I can say still is, must see!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
5 / 5 stars

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Couch Color Wood Floors

I melt ...

WHILE Germany is sinking degree in a heat wave in the university exam period ... Two I've already done ... only one that is next Friday. In the meantime, and in the heat motivation really means zero. I'd much rather let me grow gills and spend the whole day on the bottom of a lake ... According to my tests, it goes straight on the way, with practical ... So then you can not even fall in Sommerlethargie ^ ^. But I'm very excited, as I will master my production internship ...

Im Fehrnsehn läuft grad das Finale der Fußball WM... oder das Finale der Kung Fu Meisterschaften ^^ Und da es mich bisher noch nicht wirklich mitgerissen hat, male ich am PC interessante Sachen. Sieht doch bisher gar nicht so doof aus ^^...der Mund ist nur etwas schief. Ich muss mich wirklich mal dazu zwingen auch etwas fertig zu machen... Ich zeig hier immer nur Sachen bei denen ich nicht fertig bin.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Usb Converter For Ps 5750 Wireless

short, I'm useless-yet-

Hihi, seit gestern hab ich nen total blöden, tollen, sinnfreien Ohrwurm...kennt vermutlich schon Jeder, aber egal. Trotzdem geil!

Drauf gekommen ist Timo und damit auch ich wegen diesem Video ^^

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Does Frys Electronics Fix Ninte Do Ds's

Kate Nash in Tights

Am Donnerstag war ich in Dresden. Zu sehen gab es Kate Nash im Alten Schlachthof, die ihr neues Album My best friend is you vorstellte. Als Vorband gab es Sister Lovers zu sehen, die wohl eine recht solide Leistung ablieferten, aber keineswegs die Stimmung sonderlich in die Höhe trieben oder bleibenden Eindruck bei mir hinterließen.

Und dann kam Kate. Und bot tatsächlich fast ausschließlich ihr neues Album dar. Lediglich drei Lieder (Mouthwash, Foundations , Pumpkin Soup) der alten Platte wurden gespielt, was echt schade war. Auch ihr Kalvier/ Keyboard kam eher spartanisch used. But since her new album a anyway, huh ... slightly more aggressive (?) undertone has adapted guitar maybe quite good. Towards the end of the concert, her singing was always more of a roar. A shout out of the text as it was somehow created in songs like Do not you want to share the guilt (unfortunately, the version that kusiert the Internet I find beautiful) , or most succinctly in Main Sion Song . Maybe it was a yell from the loud percussion (with the really cool drummer) . But that seems to be a good side to Mrs. Nash to be that it is important to show. You have a singer / songwriter is not always just a doll, its what it means to rock and not be crazy about. Finally, it also in a punk band with ^ ^. And so I have words in their verabschidenden Model Behavior , the quasi-last song, understood. Then there was another song as an encore, which I thought was at the concert anyway recently a bit poor and sad. But at least I made the jump-on-my-keyboard-rum by a few points well. And also revealed to people in the back row combination of their strange clothing. The thing that I had thought all along it would be a really tight-fitting pants, stood out as tights, which she wore under her top with the vest. Intersting. Also which one could see her panties underneath ^ ^ Hach, this Grrrl's just crazy.

All in all, I found the show entertaining, too short and loud and roaring than expected (and only by Kate's side, the audience was rather quiet ... or intimidated?) .
Here are some video impressions of other people (have too late discovered that film I can and the photos are somehow only hair and heads of other people DClick ^ ^)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How To Install A Snowmobile Belt


Timo Thaler has gone with his first blog entry online. So all look pretty good and great find even if football is now not everyone's primary topic ^ ^ . And as you can see the first paragraph of this first effusion, is the design from me. I hope the world likes this newspaper-inspired garb, and the entire blog. I've definitely learned again some experience in CSS and maybe here soon to optimize some things.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mastercard Student Dividends

Stop Luxury Apartments: The end of a soaring

Ein Artikel der Abendzeitung München vom 20.5.2010 befasst sich mit dem soeben erschienenen Immobilien-Kompass 2010 der Zeitschrift "Capital".  Die Sicht von Immo-Watch wird darin von Insidern bestätigt.
"Wer zuerst kommt : Für die neuen Quartiere am Hirschgarten , Ackermannbogen , an der Neuen Messe oder im Arnulfpark sehen Makler kaum eine Chance, dass die Käufer der ersten Stunde den bezahlten Preis bei einem Verkauf jemals wieder herausbekommen."
"Glockenbach : Der Charme geht verloren. Viel Verkehr und Kneipen-Lärm – bei Quadratmeterpreisen from 20 € more and see many brokers far exceeded the zenith of the district. Conclusion in real estate compass "an overpriced neighborhood that loses more to its appeal, is problematic as an investment in the long run."
Comment: promote fear of inflation and low interest rates, the flight into the supposedly secure "concrete gold" Who but overpriced in panic. turn on real estate or poor driving records can, quite literally in the devil with Beelzebub, he will sooner or later doomed

source. 20/05/2010 Munich evening paper, 187 119

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How To Record On A Dvd With A Sv2000

reading material and movies

As you stand on it like when you on Saturday Kingeln of the Stalinist door bell is awakened by the parcel service. Finally, he brings new film and books ^ ^

The Physics of Superheroes - James Kalios
Film Genres: Animated
The animated film for adults - Florian Schwebel

The Illusionist
Where the Wild Things Are
Fever Pitch -> main thing I buy movies where it says "strongly discouraged from 11Freund" : D

I need slow urgently need a new DVD shelf ...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cheat Pokemon Platinum Light Gba

half naked ... what more could you want ^ ^

I finally got a scanner for 2 weeks (?), I now call an HP Multifunction my own. So I can finally digitize my Unikrizzeleien to introduce the mass. This schnike half-naked lady will soon be still get some color. Let's see how they like me then and if you get to see more:)
this little story, I sit in class and draw \u0026lt;- this here ( me I can better concentrate on what The professor says ^ ^ ) and at the end says the cute, Asian girl, what's spent the whole time next to me, "You can draw well." Hach how cute! ^ ^

Good night!

PS: Trailer update below ...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Increased Cm And No Period

Isargärten Thalkirchen - in the countryside?

The Isargärten Thalkirchen - a joint project of Vivico Real Estate, CONCEPT BAU - PREMIER and infrastructure plan - advertise with a prominent position "in the middle of a green area, close to the renatured Isar". The apartments will be offered at a proud square meter 5000-7500 €. Immo-Watch, the project has even looked at in more detail.

The following open space plan ( image quote according to § 51 UrhG) comes directly from the website - a proxy page from Concept Construction Premier. The triangular area east of the construction area between Mühlbach and Isarkanal was stained uniformly green as if it were purely a recreation area.
Looking at the same area using satellite images from Google Maps, the result is at once a very different picture:
are The truth is that in this area several kayak clubs that used as the mill stream waters. What is known only to insiders is: Except for water, which is still practiced in the evening and on weekends, the club grounds will be used due to its idyllic location just pop in for social events. What noise levels may occur like this, imagine everyone easily. Original sound from the site of the TG Munich. "in 2007, finished boat house is the parlor, virtually the living room of the club, it is not just a center for sporting activities but also as a place for common grilling, make plans and nice get-together along with the usual Latin-paddlers. "
In German Architecture Forum a user writes about this (quote):
"As a board member of one of these kayak clubs I can say is that we have raised since the beginning of the project this issue was originally from the Isargärten signed Damir, that the new buildings next to the Isar River, lie on the plans of our boat houses were not entered -. Purchasers are so fake and false facts, we can then later pay for the whole (Klagen. ..). Especially since the kayaking abdens is exercised and on the weekend ... On the current Werbeildern our boat houses are not present, instead a green lawn and a fisherman! "
Whether that buyers of luxury homes against well known is?

Red Palms And Hypertensive

Arnulfpark Munich - city close to trend situation?

This is promised

  • City Near Trend situation
  • Trendy neighborhoods Maxvorstadt / Neuhausen provides
  • park outside the front door
So out of view of real-Watch the reality:
  • Ghetto similar situation, surrounded by four main routes: Donnersbergerbrücke Arnulfstrasse, Hackerbrücke and railway axis
  • problem Pregnant social mix of residents, high proportion of social housing
  • The park turns out to be more and more as a desolate wasteland, a lack of trees and loveless structure do not invite to stay.

"ghetto" situation
"The new residential area with its thousands of dwellings and four thousand jobs is almost done, but I will by the seemed completely separated to the south, resulting in a "ghetto" situation out "
- Barbara Roth, a spokeswoman of the". Working Group Arnulfpark [1]

shade and garbage in Arnulfpark
" lack Arnulf the park and on the playground there in the shade. In summer the heat, even by the reflective surfaces, such that children spend there impossible. Certainly solves the problem if the trees have grown and shade, but until then there are still some Jahre. Ein weiteres Problem ist der Müll. Es gibt zum einen zu wenige Körbe im Arnulfpark, in der Marlene-Dietrich-Straße fehlen sie fast ganz, zum anderen sind diese zu weit weg vom Spielplatz montiert. Deshalb lassen viele Kinder und Jugendliche dort ihren Abfall einfach fallen.
Die Arbeitsgruppe hat zu diesen Problemen recherchiert: Der Arnulfpark ist im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs entstanden. Damit ist die Stadt München an die Gestaltung des Parks gebunden und kann nur Sicherheitsmängeln im Park und auf dem Spielplatz beheben. Zu wenig Schatten wird jedoch nicht als Sicherheitsrisiko eingestuft. Änderungen können be made only if agreed by the landscape architect, in Arnulfpark this is real green. We are waiting for a response in this regard by Real Green When an approval has to be clarified, however, he who is funding a change, "
-.. Arnulfpark Post, Spring 2008 [2]