Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Are Hinda Pilots In Snow

Excavation of the 3rd Excavation of the 2nd days

Insgesamt wurden 15 Züge mit Füllmaterial angefahren und zu a beautiful plateau processed.

Later terrace is filled up already with.

Let's see how long the prospect so.

The surveyor was on site and has marked the border technically, because there are no landmarks are set.

were also pulled out the points by 2 feet, the set points at a border wall setting not to lose again.

basis of these points could Feineinmessen Mr. Oehlers the house.
The calibration was very accurate, only 1mm difference in the cross-section, impressive

Der Nachteil im Herbst/Winter zu bauen ist, dass es früher dunkel wird:
Aber ein solcher Sonnenuntergang entschädigt ja auch für das im Dunkeln einmessen.


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