to do! children of men, was what going on today! Normally, my phone never rings, so I often ask myself what I have that thing anyway? Call me anyway to anyone. Today was the quiet little thing.
first I called home automation at the North because of a date in the next week by language of all the connections, drains, pumping system for the washing machine, electricity and who knows what else. Joar do we. We will then also bring the plan for the kitchen. Uh what? Kitchen plan? But we have still no Kitchen! Non bad? Very good! Also deals with the connections in the bathroom. Yes but we still did not sink (you want to take HvH not us, we want as a double sink in nice and such) have. "Do you have non-Hm .. but once you go there and there in the exhibition and look for because of what;? That are partners with us then it all goes without unnecessary complications." Aha ... ok, well we do, at least if we predict the prices and the goods. Otherwise ordered elsewhere! Then I then I looked at times the home page of the sanitary house to see what the times have so available. Oh great, what is that? Home but have little content. Even after the contact I had . Search Found, called, gathered information, all Suppi.
Then I still have with our construction manager on the phone and made an appointment for the structural inspection next week.
In between, always texting my sweetheart, the show tonight after a week stay at last comes home yay \\ o /
Yes and then called the manager of the Kreissparkasse Lauenburg. There's a couple that wants to be like our neighbors and want to know if and where we hinbauen our garage. We only build a carport and that go where it is provided in the site plan of the KSK, too. "Oh, who would otherwise have said, you can even be equal in a composite .. Build can "love's reflection and questions in plain text that is now. We get the first real neighbors yay \\ o / Good that we are with our body shop as well as through, begin to build up neighbor then gives no brawl for .. lack of space the trucks and cranes For us it is then everything by
The schedule for the coming week sees words as follows:
- Wednesday to building services north to Raisdorf
- Thursday shell reduction and sink look
- Saturday tiles ausguggen
there pretty much to do for next week! why I've also taken leave for Wednesday and Thursday, because for both events will take a little time. On the whole Nachdenkerei for sockets and tiled vanity and I will not even think ;-) Since the heads are smoking again haha. Compensation then there's Saturday night, as we go with my dad and his partner to our favorite Indian.
morning we drive back to the mother-house, pump out the cellar at last. And who knows, maybe I do not trust me then look at the ladder to inspect the floor. I have to do so by Thursday or so * sigh * Maybe we will get to know our new neighbors, yes. Would be very happy!
Ah yes, the week I also learned yet that we have been stealing our fireplace! The stones dafür lagen schon seit einiger Zeit auf unserer Baustelle, schön verpackt auf der Palette. Als der Keller fertig wurde waren sie noch da. Wer auch immer unseren Kamin nun hat, viel Spass damit *Zähneknirsch* Ein neuer Kamin sollte nun schon gemauert sein.
Und nun muss ich ja mal wirklich HvH, im Speziellen unseren Bauleiter loben. Nach all den schlechten Dingen über HvH, die ich nach Unterzeichnung der Verträge gelesen habe, wurde mir schon ein wenig Angst und Bang. Aber bisher hat alles wirklich ganz ganz toll geklappt. Unser Bauleiter war immer erreichbar oder hat innerhalb von wenigen Stunden zurückgerufen und scheint oft vor Ort zu sein. Auch die Koordination der Warenlieferungen und der Handwerker untereinander hat bisher wirklich vorbildlich geklappt und ausnahmslos alle Handwerker waren bis jetzt sehr sehr nett und zuverlässig. Ich wünsche mir sehr, dass das auch so reibungslos weitergeht, aber nach den bisherigen Telefonaten oder Gesprächen vor Ort mit den Handwerkern und unserem Bauleiter bin ich sehr optimistisch. Vor allem auch, dass wir im Zeitplan bleiben. Bisher gab es keine Verzögerungen oder ähnliches.
So kann das weitergehen :-)