For probably the last time this year on Saturday, we were once again on our house or what wants to become a house :-)
A phone call to the supervisor some time in the past week shows that our leaders have been stolen, because of the screed peasant leaders have laid out before the House * front Patsch * How You Can Only ... Well, we are not talking about it!
While the father-and my love to buy at the hardware store managers, have Mom and I was freezing in the house the toes. Such a big house with high humidity and freezing cold without heating is simple only. And funny noises a house makes when the wind moves through the chimney. Thought I would have hallucinations haha.
But all in all it is very very nice. The screed is to be closed up in it and also the gaps and holes in the drywall upstairs.
Next week is the normal exterior plaster and then the scaffolding away. Then we get electricity and water down, so that we can finally heat up and sometimes can turn on the light. Saturday was it so darkly in the house that I could only shoot at random. Otherwise, I will think happen this year, not much, because the processes are certainly not working between Christmas and New Year. At least I can not imagine that. It still lacks the tiles and sanitary final installation. The kitchen comes in February or so I believe in the rotation. Yeah well, the stairs are also missing and the interior doors. My goodness what am I on the stairs. Ladder and back down to me is still always a drama ... and I think it is not just for me * grin * As of 22
December, we leave and we want to do some things in house, you can do now. That is again in the Hardware shoppeeeeeeen hehe :-)
Here möchten wir uns noch einmal bei allen Gewerken und unserem Bauleiter für die tolle Arbeit in diesem Jahr bedanken! Es verlief bisher alles reibungslos und ohne große Probleme. Vielen Dank dafür und auf dass die restlichen Arbeiten genausogut verlaufen.
Sollte man sich nicht mehr lesen, wünsche ich allen Lesern und Bauherren ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!!!
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