What a week!
Wednesday I was at home automation and North have with the nice gentleman talked everything through because of our heating and plumbing installation. Offer is already there, all as discussed in the prices. A basin we had selected in the catalog with Peter Jensen. The house is now ordered north Technology (juhu with appropriate business discount) and installed. So that the appointment could sink looking for on Thursday also fail, because we were the last Sunday in the exhibition and have geguggt. Once again in Hamburg on Wednesday, I was still at school furniture castle and have let us put together a kitchen.
Thursday we had the body shop inspection. After much trouble due to the extremely late train (40 minutes!), We finally arrived at our house, where even our dear Lord Frehse waited. The decrease was very relaxed in our trembling because of the cold apart ;-) Mr. Frehse has taken all of us mentioned deficiencies and send us a copy of the minutes now. The shortcomings are almost negligible, which confirms once again the architect. The architects we have addressed the property owners association to obtain an expert opinion on our body shop. Nicht, dass wir die Katze im Sack kaufen. Aber laut Architekt ist alles in Ordnung und sehr solide. Er hat auch noch einmal im Speziellen die Dachkonstruktion gelobt und auch, dass wir überhaupt eine Rohbauabnahme hatten. Denn das sei wohl heutzutage bei den Bauträgern gar nicht mehr üblich. Mein Liebster ist danach wieder ins Büro gefahren und ich nach Hause, wo ich dann durchgefroren wie ich war auch gleich aufm Sofa eingeschlafen bin hehe. Das war aber auch was saukalt, meine Güte! Während der Rohbauabhahme sind auch noch die Dachdecker gekommen und haben das Dach fertig gemacht. Von oben sollte die Bude nun also dicht sein juhu. Das Bild entstand während der Wartezeit auf den Architekten. Als wir wieder nach Hamburg gefahren sind, war es schon almost done.
Today we were then in Bienenbüttel with our tile and we have very great tiles chosen for the floor on the ground floor, the tiles in the mirror Kitchen, guest toilet and bathroom above. We got really beautiful tiles in very good quality within the Heinz von Heiden-frame so that additional costs incurred exclusively for the partial diagonal installation and remain within the acceptable limits. Within about 1 1 / 2 hours we were through with the tile-topic, I would have never thought of. Rambling through the DIY stores, etc. have to seek ideas but worth it :-)
When we got home and waited again post on our house. In addition to writing the trade association of building yesterday and the offer of building services north we got today so even a bill from the burrows of the sand and the partly worn Excavation. Violent account of the true love of mine has just sighing over the next payment for the kitchen.
shrinking slowly but surely our equity so we can now no longer have to order special services. With the outlets, we will retain good times, because that would also once again take a penny proud to deliver. To Steckdosenkram and the remaining electrical installations, my love in the coming week will coordinate with our electrician.
is now sampling Technically I think it all through, only has the weather is still good.
And now begins the relaxing part of the weekend. Same goes to Omi, the car keys make for sister in law and then Dad and Doris delicious food. We have today but also deserves! :-)
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