We once again have pumped out the cellar. And just because the builders had Keller not something with the tubes made entirely as it should have been. Nu is with the tubes but in order and if Now the basement is full again with water, then someone must suffer all doll! I do not know who, but it will hurt! (Quote from my mother). While the pump did its work and the water splashed the only way, my bunny exploited the situation and has already looked at how the building is how it works with streams.
But for now, our Butze window (they were not stolen juhuuu) and also the inside window sills and blinds are also there. Roof is also finished. I just hope so that the next Rain makes our roof a little clean. This looks pretty clear from dirty from all the milling and so on. However, despite dirty roof, it looks beautiful. Finally it was inside not as drafty, you could very relaxed stay in the rooms. For relaxation, also contributed, that's all the columns from the rooms away. Does this slalom skiing including an end :-)
now so it checks with windows and entrance door
Es war wirklich ein ganz toller Tag heute. Das Wetter war großartig. Gar nicht windig oder regnerisch wie sonst. Mutti und ich sind dann einmal eine kleine Runde durch das Gebiet gelaufen und haben uns die derzeitigen Baustellen einmal angeschaut. Herrlich dort spazieren zu gehen, ohne ständig den Kragen hochhalten zu müssen, weils so windet :-) Belohnt wurden wir beim Aufbruch nach Hamburg mit einem wunderschönen Sunset. That was a nice ending of a beautiful day on the site :-)
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