white and wet Soooo, da sind wir wieder. Gestern gings mal wieder auf nach Schwarzenbek, denn der Aufmaß-Termin für die Küche stand an. Also machte sich das Hasenweibchen in aller Herrgottsfrüh ausgerüstet mit zwei Kannen Kaffee auf zum Häuschen. Ich war schon ganz gespannt, wer da alles so rumwuseln würde. Denn eigentlich standen die Heizungs- und Sanitärroharbeiten und die Außendämmung für diese Woche auf dem Bauzeitenplan. Zu Hause angekommen war aber weit und breit von Handwerkern nichts zu sehen. Ein Blick auf die Uhr verriet mir, dass kurz nach Neun vielleicht noch ein bisschen früh für den ein oder anderen Handwerker sein könnte.
Na ja jut dacht ich mir, auch nich schlimm. Die trudeln sicher bald alle ein. Also hab ich derweil schon mal die Innenputzarbeiten in Augenschein genommen. Der Rohbauflair ist ein wenig gewichen und statt rotem Poroton-Stein strahlte es mir grauweiß entgegen. Der Putz muss noch ganz frisch gewesen sein, because the water dripped in the house just so down the windows. Accordingly, it muffte also pretty. On the picture you'll see the future of my husband's office and the right the guest bathroom.
Except for the last few inches towards the floor and a bulge in the living room door I am very satisfied with the work. The unsightly corners of the floor will disappear, but certainly with the floor then. If non, the squad ran well cleaner again.
If, however, a very pretty sight so completely plastered rooms. It's all the same but a lot cozier.
The electric raw installation looks far from even very good. Our planned exterior lighting nothing stands in the way, all the cables are there. And the planned ceiling lights are set for the basement. The hallway in the basement is also already progressed quite well.
left in the photo you look to the upper floor. Left the bathroom and straight through my later study / guest room / etc.
was ten-thirty and then the nice man from Schulenburg and has made the list of materials for our kitchen. Look at everything from fine, the dimensions are all correct. Except that we could not find two outlets that he was very pleased. Meanwhile, it has been found that the outlets are there, but over it was cleaned properly. Monday puts our Electricians two previous outlets lost again.
About eleven in the kitchen, his father made it back on the road to the next appointment. Of the other artisans that I would have expected still nothing was visible. Na jut, here I stop and go home.
then called this morning at our house technician who makes our heating and plumbing installation. He would be with us tomorrow to progress, because the interior plaster was finished until Monday. The fact that he is now the coffee yesterday, slipped through their fingers, he was damaged. Jo, me too. Yes now weighs a little bit what the stuff nech? And I dragged the whole nothing. Monday, he said, then he should be with our raw installation.
called Later even cleaner on the outside. This week, with the outer insulation would not be because of the weather. But next week they get going then. So now we have the first week delay, which is not bad. Prefer to start a week later, when that us after the insulation is soaked through and comes back down or even worse happened Daduchus.
Yes and it's not even much that still needs to be actually done. In 7 weeks, the house delivery is planned. Man Man, how time flies. It's all bad. Let's see if the schedule to the still all goes so well. It will be interesting:)
Finally, a bit Schwarzenbek-sky (for a later, the noch richtig schön, trotz klirrender Kälte!)