Simply slide out great Yesterday, the landscape gardener now finished with our access roads and car parking. When I came back late from hockey (Freezers have naturally lost, 0-3 against the Sharks), I am happy animal. Was indeed dark, but thanks to our exterior lighting front I could see some.
Today we have made a great first day with Maren and Flo in Sleaford. Were walking on the beach and ate delicious. And of course we were back in our favorite cafe. Since today was so full that we got no place. So talking to the host, giving us the next available reserved your table, we come again in 10 minutes. No sooner said than done. We came again, and our table was not busy. I call that timing :-) So if you even move in Sleaford or Haffkrug is the beach cafe is highly recommended. The cakes are simply a dream!
Back home it was time. The historical moment of the first time on d
em site parking. Also has the same everything worked out great, I'm not (as first feared always) stuck in the wall. Direct parked clean. go straight and a great feeling for the first time the ramp was able to :-) It can even be both doors opened almost completely, so we have plenty of space to the sides. Behind me, can still easily park a car in the driveway. Das dürfen Mutti, Vati und Kathrin dann gerne beim nächsten Mal ausprobieren :-) Wie herrlich, jetzt kann ich mein Auto zu Hause raussaugen und muss nich mehr unendlich viel Geld an der Tanke lassen. Juhu :-) Die Mülltonne steht auch an ihrem Platz. Wirklich sehr sehr praktisch. Die Zuwegung ist wirklich ganz ganz toll geworden. Wir sind wahnsinnig glücklich und freuen uns nen Keks :-) Jetzt hat es auch Sinn, die Kellerfenster auf der Seite des Hauses zu putzen und sie verdrecken nicht sofort wieder mit bei Regen rumspritzendem Sand.
Ich könnte ja nochmal ein bisschen rein- und rausfahren üben...
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