Sunday, November 29, 2009

San Pedro Seedlings Turning Brown

Impressions from the attic

The drywallers start tomorrow.

is still imagination asked

The nursery and children's pool in the middle

Maik's work
Our bathroom

jasmine room

Der Dachboden

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How To Reset Oil Change For Acura Rl

The masons are almost done

Die letzten Klinker wurden gesetzt, die Fassade ist bis auf ein paar Klinker Steine an den Fensterbänken fertig.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Old Women Inserting Tampons

The roof is finished, the roofers

The roof is on

Death Vomit Aspiration

Ahead of schedule, the roofers have surprised us.
One day two men have covered the entire roof, installed the Velux windows and set the daylight spots.

The gutters are on it and the windows are installed and the door is already installed.
The gable front is finished.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Caugh Tastes Like Blood


The topping was very nice. Das Wetter hat mitgespielt und alle Freunde, Verwandte und neue Nachbarn sind gekommen, um mit uns zu feiern.

Torsten hat dem Haus den Segen gegeben und den Richtspruch sehr passend ausgewählt.

Trotz leichter Höhenangst ist Maik bis auf den First geklettert und hat den letzten Nagel versenkt.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Art Interracial Couples

gable ends second Days

 Nach einigen Regentagen zeigt sich endlich again the sun and laugh with her and the bricklayers.
They are progressing very well and grow the clinker.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Does Broken Hymen Look Like

The gable roof

The gable end of the door entrance has been bricked completely.

The pace is breathtaking. If it in. At this rate, am really happy that we have the operation over the Christmas break to breathe again.

to use blog: Comments can create one easily, without the sign, to "name" or if necessary, choose the "anonymous" :-)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Reflector Telescope Edu Sscience

The roof is addressed! . On Saturday you can party.

The bricks are on the north side is already done.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cool Bmx Birthday Cake

The ground floor is the 2nd

Despite rain come Maurer progressing well. The ground floor is available and the EC cover is poured.

The carpenters have prepared everything for the truss.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dedication To Deceased Mother At Wedding


Today the masons were again at work to catch up on the previous day, two teams entered the building.

you are well:

level 10 clock
as 17.30 clock

The clinker bricks have also come.

supervisor meeting:
Our new site manager has been presented today, and was super prepared.
Open questions could be clarified and operating points were implemented promptly.
We have received the schedule, how to do it until the end of February next. The
own work can now be properly planned.
The target award is scheduled for next Wednesday 15:30 clock.

own performance in sliding wall
Have I discussed today evening with Uli, as the 3 walls can be implemented tomorrow, the material is ordered.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Can Two Years Kid Eat Anjeer

The beginning is dropped into water

Today at 7 clock, the Muslims, the standpipe are being received. Wall Surround
would only the substructure of the outer walls. Then disabled a broken band saw and water pump work. In addition, it was pouring rain, the water ran the boys out of the shoes.

Tomorrow is another day!

Friday, November 6, 2009

How Much Is It For A Oil Change On A Mini

Surprise, Surprise

today called our construction manager: Pour the date for the EC at the ceiling is 11.11. by 14 clock.

He had the news that the further construction of caring for a new site manager is, as it serves in Angerstein a construction site. This is ecologically sound, albeit unfortunate, because we just had the feeling, now it's really going on with our old site managers and night surveys waren ja auch recht witzig.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Below The Kneeblack Dress

The material has come to stand as the rest

Nun wartet neben der Bodenplatte auch schon das Material auf die Maurer.

Das Gerüst ist auch schon aufgebaut. Eigentlich sollten die Maurer heute schon kommen, der Trupp ist aber noch nicht frei.

Am Montag um 7 Uhr geht es los.
Das Bauwasser-Standrohr haben wir von den Gemeindewerken geholt und nun liegt das schwere Ding bereit.