Timo Thaler has gone with his first blog entry online. So all look pretty good and great find even if football is now not everyone's primary topic ^ ^ . And as you can see the first paragraph of this first effusion, is the design from me. I hope the world likes this newspaper-inspired garb, and the entire blog. I've definitely learned again some experience in CSS and maybe here soon to optimize some things.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mastercard Student Dividends
Stop Luxury Apartments: The end of a soaring
Ein Artikel der Abendzeitung München vom 20.5.2010 befasst sich mit dem soeben erschienenen Immobilien-Kompass 2010 der Zeitschrift "Capital". Die Sicht von Immo-Watch wird darin von Insidern bestätigt.
source. 20/05/2010 Munich evening paper, http://www.abendzeitung.de/muenchen/ 187 119
Ein Artikel der Abendzeitung München vom 20.5.2010 befasst sich mit dem soeben erschienenen Immobilien-Kompass 2010 der Zeitschrift "Capital". Die Sicht von Immo-Watch wird darin von Insidern bestätigt.
sowie:"Wer zuerst kommt : Für die neuen Quartiere am Hirschgarten , Ackermannbogen , an der Neuen Messe oder im Arnulfpark sehen Makler kaum eine Chance, dass die Käufer der ersten Stunde den bezahlten Preis bei einem Verkauf jemals wieder herausbekommen."
Comment: promote fear of inflation and low interest rates, the flight into the supposedly secure "concrete gold" Who but overpriced in panic. turn on real estate or poor driving records can, quite literally in the devil with Beelzebub, he will sooner or later doomed"Glockenbach : Der Charme geht verloren. Viel Verkehr und Kneipen-Lärm – bei Quadratmeterpreisen from 20 € more and see many brokers far exceeded the zenith of the district. Conclusion in real estate compass "an overpriced neighborhood that loses more to its appeal, is problematic as an investment in the long run."
source. 20/05/2010 Munich evening paper, http://www.abendzeitung.de/muenchen/ 187 119
Saturday, May 15, 2010
How To Record On A Dvd With A Sv2000
reading material and movies
As you stand on it like when you on Saturday Kingeln of the Stalinist door bell is awakened by the parcel service. Finally, he brings new film and books ^ ^
The Physics of Superheroes - James Kalios
Film Genres: Animated
The animated film for adults - Florian Schwebel
The Illusionist
Where the Wild Things Are
Fever Pitch -> main thing I buy movies where it says "strongly discouraged from 11Freund" : D
I need slow urgently need a new DVD shelf ...

The Physics of Superheroes - James Kalios
Film Genres: Animated
The animated film for adults - Florian Schwebel

Where the Wild Things Are
Fever Pitch -> main thing I buy movies where it says "strongly discouraged from 11Freund" : D
I need slow urgently need a new DVD shelf ...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Cheat Pokemon Platinum Light Gba
half naked ... what more could you want ^ ^
I finally got a scanner for 2 weeks (?), I now call an HP Multifunction my own. So I can finally digitize my Unikrizzeleien to introduce the mass. This schnike half-naked lady will soon be still get some color. Let's see how they like me then and if you get to see more:)
this little story, I sit in class and draw \u0026lt;- this here ( me I can better concentrate on what The professor says ^ ^ ) and at the end says the cute, Asian girl, what's spent the whole time next to me, "You can draw well." Hach how cute! ^ ^
Good night!
PS: Trailer update below ...
PS: Trailer update below ...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Increased Cm And No Period
Isargärten Thalkirchen - in the countryside?
The Isargärten Thalkirchen - a joint project of Vivico Real Estate, CONCEPT BAU - PREMIER and infrastructure plan - advertise with a prominent position "in the middle of a green area, close to the renatured Isar". The apartments will be offered at a proud square meter 5000-7500 €. Immo-Watch, the project has even looked at in more detail.
The following open space plan ( image quote according to § 51 UrhG) comes directly from the website www.Luxus-wohnimmobilien.de - a proxy page from Concept Construction Premier. The triangular area east of the construction area between Mühlbach and Isarkanal was stained uniformly green as if it were purely a recreation area.
Looking at the same area using satellite images from Google Maps, the result is at once a very different picture:
are The truth is that in this area several kayak clubs that used as the mill stream waters. What is known only to insiders is: Except for water, which is still practiced in the evening and on weekends, the club grounds will be used due to its idyllic location just pop in for social events. What noise levels may occur like this, imagine everyone easily. Original sound from the site of the TG Munich. "in 2007, finished boat house is the parlor, virtually the living room of the club, it is not just a center for sporting activities but also as a place for common grilling, make plans and nice get-together along with the usual Latin-paddlers. "
In German Architecture Forum a user writes about this (quote):
"As a board member of one of these kayak clubs I can say is that we have raised since the beginning of the project this issue was originally from the Isargärten signed Damir, that the new buildings next to the Isar River, lie on the plans of our boat houses were not entered -. Purchasers are so fake and false facts, we can then later pay for the whole (Klagen. ..). Especially since the kayaking abdens is exercised and on the weekend ... On the current Werbeildern our boat houses are not present, instead a green lawn and a fisherman! "Whether that buyers of luxury homes against well known is?
Red Palms And Hypertensive
Arnulfpark Munich - city close to trend situation?
This is promised
This is promised
- City Near Trend situation
- Trendy neighborhoods Maxvorstadt / Neuhausen provides
- park outside the front door
- Ghetto similar situation, surrounded by four main routes: Donnersbergerbrücke Arnulfstrasse, Hackerbrücke and railway axis
- problem Pregnant social mix of residents, high proportion of social housing
- The park turns out to be more and more as a desolate wasteland, a lack of trees and loveless structure do not invite to stay.
"ghetto" situation
"The new residential area with its thousands of dwellings and four thousand jobs is almost done, but I will by the seemed completely separated to the south, resulting in a "ghetto" situation out "
- Barbara Roth, a spokeswoman of the". Working Group Arnulfpark [1]
"The new residential area with its thousands of dwellings and four thousand jobs is almost done, but I will by the seemed completely separated to the south, resulting in a "ghetto" situation out "
- Barbara Roth, a spokeswoman of the". Working Group Arnulfpark [1]
shade and garbage in Arnulfpark
" lack Arnulf the park and on the playground there in the shade. In summer the heat, even by the reflective surfaces, such that children spend there impossible. Certainly solves the problem if the trees have grown and shade, but until then there are still some Jahre. Ein weiteres Problem ist der Müll. Es gibt zum einen zu wenige Körbe im Arnulfpark, in der Marlene-Dietrich-Straße fehlen sie fast ganz, zum anderen sind diese zu weit weg vom Spielplatz montiert. Deshalb lassen viele Kinder und Jugendliche dort ihren Abfall einfach fallen.
Die Arbeitsgruppe hat zu diesen Problemen recherchiert: Der Arnulfpark ist im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs entstanden. Damit ist die Stadt München an die Gestaltung des Parks gebunden und kann nur Sicherheitsmängeln im Park und auf dem Spielplatz beheben. Zu wenig Schatten wird jedoch nicht als Sicherheitsrisiko eingestuft. Änderungen können be made only if agreed by the landscape architect, in Arnulfpark this is real green. We are waiting for a response in this regard by Real Green When an approval has to be clarified, however, he who is funding a change, "
-.. Arnulfpark Post, Spring 2008 [2]
-.. Arnulfpark Post, Spring 2008 [2]
"Time for Action" [1], Wochenanzeiger Munich, 17.11.2009, http://www.wochenanzeiger-muenchen.de/redaktion/lokalredaktion-muenchen/aktuelle-nachrichten/Fußgänger-und-Radfahrersteg_16824. html
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