Scrubs is Bäck ...
... even though I end of the 8 . Season was a great and conclusive. Well let's see what awaits us ^ ^
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sinuses Hurt At Night
... and finally
Barcelona is over, back in Germany.
The last day we did not shoot quite soo many photos, so I have something gesamelt ^ ^
one day (Saturday) we were on the mountain Montjuic on the top is a castle. Here are some impressions.
Then we finally have actually made the bars uncertain:
We were in Barcelona Zoo (Sunday).
are you looking at me, or I? ; Pipa penguin
and : Ördmännchen ^ ^ (I'm back jippie beautiful accents)
The last days were marked by the visit to Palau Güel - was to visit one of the unfortunately only the basement, for renovation, but still free ^ ^
War but not as tragic because yes who has since been waiting in Leipzig on me.
well that ends well ^ ^
Barcelona is over, back in Germany.
The last day we did not shoot quite soo many photos, so I have something gesamelt ^ ^
one day (Saturday) we were on the mountain Montjuic on the top is a castle. Here are some impressions.
macht die Waffen kaputt ^^
Kaktus reloaded und BCN
Then we finally have actually made the bars uncertain:
We were in Barcelona Zoo (Sunday).
bears sit around and chill on the boring ;
And on Monday were we then the sea, so that is located in Barcelona at the front door.
Then it was still do things ... or wait, wait, wait ...
... and wait
... Without purpose ^ ^
On Wednesday we went from back home. This was a wonderful holiday was over.
well that ends well ^ ^
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Masquerade Wedding Reception
Holy Monastery
Yesterday we were in the Sagrada Familia, or even with the large construction site ... It's all great to visit 10 or 11 € (per person and istt already a discount) to pay and then you see: Planning, Staging, welding and so on. Presumably, therefore, we were also a bit disappointed. Nevertheless, here are some photos where it looks not so bad.
Today there was a special breakfast: we were in the 'NEM Sushi / Asian restaurant Buffett. That means salads, seafood from the wok, fried noodles, sushi, desserts and much more in masses:-D leckaleckalecka
Then it was said in the sun an after-dinner coffee Duch drink the Raval stroll neighborhood on the way to the monastery of Sant Pau del Camp. But that should guide books aloud to open only 17 clock again (indeed, monasteries siesta), so in the supermarket. And then we sat in the park with Papa strategies have been drinking cider and maintained to the monastery to come ^ ^
Later we, that it had apparently put up for 16 clock again seen, but that was in the sweet Lady, welche gluecklich ihr Deutsch an uns testete waerend sie uns die Karten verkaufte und dem Kloster sebst schnell vergessen. Es ist klein aber wirklich schoen. Mit einem sehr schlichten Innenraum (der leider nicht die besten Fotos hergab) und einen kleinen feinen romanischen Kreuzgang. Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Does A Blackberry Work On A Prepaid Number
parrot site and three-day review
Barcelona, Tag 6, 7 & 8
Am Sonntag waren wir im Picasso Museum , denn das ist am ersten Sonntag im Monat kostenlos ^^
We bought postcards of the images that we liked best.
really still the "Dona amb jacket Lina, but I do not grade on the WWW. But you see, there are no images for which one would think: THAT'S PICASSO. Because we are probably no friend in this life:)
"El Loco"
Like other nice buildings
Eating there were on the Plaza Catalunya, in this naked lady Geselschafft
Barcelona, Tag 6, 7 & 8
Am Sonntag waren wir im Picasso Museum , denn das ist am ersten Sonntag im Monat kostenlos ^^
We bought postcards of the images that we liked best.
really still the "Dona amb jacket Lina, but I do not grade on the WWW. But you see, there are no images for which one would think: THAT'S PICASSO. Because we are probably no friend in this life:)
"El Loco"
"Lola, la hermana del artista"
Yesterday we were * drumroll * at home , in the apartment. Because it snowed, was disgusting and Mama schniefig.
But we were now on the Passeig de Gracia, the jewel of shopping area Barcelona. In addition, here Gaudi buildings are located.
Eating there were on the Plaza Catalunya, in this naked lady Geselschafft
left with mom for decoration ^ ^
And then we went to the beautiful Mercat de la Boqueria, This made such delicious, freshly squeezed fruit juice and still leckerere photos ^ ^
Saturday, March 6, 2010
How To Wrap Wedding Cake
In search of the harbor and SHOPPING ^ ^
Barcelona, Day 4 & 5
Last night I did not write any more so desire, also because today's morning was called out of bed. But first, yesterday: We were first up in the afternoon at home in the apartment ^ ^
but then went off to the church Santa Maria del Mar. .. yes was nice ... Then we poked a little Duch, the district of La Ribera and further into the Parc de la Ciutadella. There we met a well, contributed to the fun in his student years, and a nice pavilion. Also, I've found another friend ... big and hairy, more water will be ^ ^
Then we tried a little piece port zu finden...sagen wir mal so wir fanden den Segel-Jacht-wasauchimmerhafen...kein Meer :(
Ausserdem shoppte Mama eine Jacke und ein Jaeckchen (??) und ich Lidschatten (u.a. lila^^) und neue Schlafklamotten. Und heut Abend wird das Nachtleben entdeckt, Kneipen und Bars und so ;)
Naja sind dann wohl doch zu Hause geblieben und haben die Stern TV Doku ueber Nackte im allgemeinen und Stripper im Besonderen geschaut^^
Barcelona, Day 4 & 5
Last night I did not write any more so desire, also because today's morning was called out of bed. But first, yesterday: We were first up in the afternoon at home in the apartment ^ ^
Then we tried a little piece port zu finden...sagen wir mal so wir fanden den Segel-Jacht-wasauchimmerhafen...kein Meer :(
War aber auch schoen :D
Abends hab ich dann noch gekocht: Ruculasalat und gruene Spagetti mit Tomaten-Scampisosse *mjami*
Und dann heute: frueh aufstehen, wir wollten zur Rambla und den Wochenendtrubel erleben...aber ham inh nicht gefunden. Es war wie in der Woche: Tiere, Blumen, Turi Shops und dann noch ein paar Kuenstler und Schmuckstaende (die grade erst am auf-machen waren, gut dass wir so frueh da waren ^^). Wir schwenkten auf Plan B um, ein wenig bummeln und gerieten dabei ins Barri Gotic.
Naja sind dann wohl doch zu Hause geblieben und haben die Stern TV Doku ueber Nackte im allgemeinen und Stripper im Besonderen geschaut^^
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