Monday, December 28, 2009

Hair Coloring Simulator

The building drying

The 3 Baupause spend weeks because of Christmas and New Year so that we daily to air several times to wipe condensation from the windows and the building dryers to this title.
Bautrockner # 204 has already left the service.
The building is poised to rapidly dry and we are already first boxes in the attic.

The termination is out of our apartment. Juhu.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Allergy To Vegetablegum

The floor is

The cleaners have finished and I placed on Saturday NEN extra shift. If it quite a few corners.

Quote: crappy plan, but when it finished it's nice.

is now down the insulation, the floor is laid.

The surveyor has fallen to the the, small things have been implemented directly.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Card For Cancer Patients

The cleaner come

The interior plaster is made.

Parallel  streiche ich außen die Traufe und Gesimse. Genau das Richtige, um bei 3 Grad und Regen den Resturlaub zu verbraten.

Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Movies Online En Espanol F

The interior

Wenn bis jetzt schnell ging mit Viebrock, dann wurde in dieser Woche nochmal nen Schippe drauf gelegt.

Montag kamen die Trocken Bauer ( 3 Mann) und machten die Decke im DG, und stellten die ersten Ständer auf.

Tuesday followed the electrician (2 men), we placed the receptacles and switches fixed. In coordination on supply of additional costs, the lines have been milled. The additional costs are limited, and are entirely appropriate.

Installers (2 men) for plumbing and heating also had his first day and laid off immediately.

the drywall to the sliding door in the wall to be placed in individual performance, so that again two drywall and 1 intern dazu kamen.

Zusätzlich hatte ich 2 Tage Urlaub und ich habe mich mit Plattenschleppen erholt. Zur moralischen Unterstützung der ganzen Truppe war auch mein Vater an Bord.

Also 12 Mann in einem Wust von Verlängerungskabeln, Baulampen, Werkzeug und jede Menge Material.

Jasmin hat uns bestens mit Mettbrötchen, Kaffee und Süssem versorgt, there was a great atmosphere, it was a lot done, and laughed. The work beer tasted better.