to do!
children of men, was what going on today! Normally, my phone never rings, so I often ask myself what I have that thing anyway? Call me anyway to anyone. Today was the quiet little thing.
first I called home automation at the North because of a date in the next week by language of all the connections, drains, pumping system for the washing machine, electricity and who knows what else. Joar do we. We will then also bring the plan for the kitchen. Uh what? Kitchen plan? But we have still no Kitchen! Non bad? Very good! Also deals with the connections in the bathroom. Yes but we still did not sink (you want to take HvH not us, we want as a double sink in nice and such) have. "Do you have non-Hm .. but once you go there and there in the exhibition and look for because of what;? That are partners with us then it all goes without unnecessary complications." Aha ... ok, well we do, at least if we predict the prices and the goods. Otherwise ordered elsewhere! Then I then I looked at times the home page of the sanitary house to see what the times have so available. Oh great, what is that? Home but have little content. Even after the contact I had . Search Found, called, gathered information, all Suppi.
Then I still have with our construction manager on the phone and made an appointment for the structural inspection next week.
In between, always texting my sweetheart, the show tonight after a week stay at last comes home yay \\ o /
Yes and then called the manager of the Kreissparkasse Lauenburg. There's a couple that wants to be like our neighbors and want to know if and where we hinbauen our garage. We only build a carport and that go where it is provided in the site plan of the KSK, too. "Oh, who would otherwise have said, you can even be equal in a composite .. Build can "love's reflection and questions in plain text that is now. We get the first real neighbors yay \\ o / Good that we are with our body shop as well as through, begin to build up neighbor then gives no brawl for .. lack of space the trucks and cranes For us it is then everything by
The schedule for the coming week sees words as follows:
- Wednesday to building services north to Raisdorf
- Thursday shell reduction and sink look
- Saturday tiles ausguggen
there pretty much to do for next week! why I've also taken leave for Wednesday and Thursday, because for both events will take a little time. On the whole Nachdenkerei for sockets and tiled vanity and I will not even think ;-) Since the heads are smoking again haha. Compensation then there's Saturday night, as we go with my dad and his partner to our favorite Indian.
morning we drive back to the mother-house, pump out the cellar at last. And who knows, maybe I do not trust me then look at the ladder to inspect the floor. I have to do so by Thursday or so * sigh * Maybe we will get to know our new neighbors, yes. Would be very happy!
Ah yes, the week I also learned yet that we have been stealing our fireplace! The stones dafür lagen schon seit einiger Zeit auf unserer Baustelle, schön verpackt auf der Palette. Als der Keller fertig wurde waren sie noch da. Wer auch immer unseren Kamin nun hat, viel Spass damit *Zähneknirsch* Ein neuer Kamin sollte nun schon gemauert sein.
Und nun muss ich ja mal wirklich HvH, im Speziellen unseren Bauleiter loben. Nach all den schlechten Dingen über HvH, die ich nach Unterzeichnung der Verträge gelesen habe, wurde mir schon ein wenig Angst und Bang. Aber bisher hat alles wirklich ganz ganz toll geklappt. Unser Bauleiter war immer erreichbar oder hat innerhalb von wenigen Stunden zurückgerufen und scheint oft vor Ort zu sein. Auch die Koordination der Warenlieferungen und der Handwerker untereinander hat bisher wirklich vorbildlich geklappt und ausnahmslos alle Handwerker waren bis jetzt sehr sehr nett und zuverlässig. Ich wünsche mir sehr, dass das auch so reibungslos weitergeht, aber nach den bisherigen Telefonaten oder Gesprächen vor Ort mit den Handwerkern und unserem Bauleiter bin ich sehr optimistisch. Vor allem auch, dass wir im Zeitplan bleiben. Bisher gab es keine Verzögerungen oder ähnliches.
So kann das weitergehen :-)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Veins Under Boobs Capillaries Pregnant?
roof and the basement is almost too wet
Als wir heute nach Schwarzenbek gefahren sind (vorerst leider zum letzten Mal mit geliehenem Autochen *schnüff* Hatte ganz vergessen, wie viel Spass Auto fahren macht) traute ich meinen Augen kaum, als ich unser Hausi von der B404 aus sah. "Ne das is jetzt nich wahr oder?" I asked my sweetheart, who was also quite surprised. Arriving at the house we were first in front and not guggten bad.
was within two days, the brick floor, mounted the roof covered with the foil and the battens. Actually, the floor was support only scheduled for next week. Had I been internally set to two days rest at the site. The happier and more surprised I was today. Perhaps then stocked up already next week the roof. Would be great!
Before, we were still short at the hardware store and have a wet vacuum cleaner concerned because we wanted to drain the basement. To our knowledge, the water was not even a half inches high in the basement (do not worry, only rain water, the basement is definitely tight ;-) Well, had we once looked up before driving to the hardware store. When we wanted to suck out below, we were amazed when the water was almost ankle deep was high. It also had the last two days rained damn much and since the roof was not yet halfway to. Had we really need to be clear. So the the vacuum, we were able to forget. Did we get to the hardware store again, but ne pump. Well, then that would have to go now or ratzifatzi? No way! When my hubby this strange sound "Args" was making dawned on me evil. "I've forgotten the Nupsi!" Again, the hardware store? Nope, but rabbit is the reincarnation of McGyver and somehow the thing plugged in the vacuum cleaner hose from concerned neighbors and off we went. While my love then that is because rumwerkelte and I heard the water splash, I led Lüdtke by our body shop. After the two then again went to air in her house, my hubby grumbled loudly. The exact text I want to play now, but it said that I had chosen, but rather go to the hardware store again before the neighbor's hose breaks down even further.
arrived with matching Nupsi again to the beloved had calmed down and started then back to work. Now the water splashed back into the storm sewer. Meanwhile, there was something at half past four or so. Just when I noted that you could even now go shopping in the meantime to use the time it started to rain. Oh great! Because it is always raining doller, we then packed up everything and then drove home. After all, it was something at 17:15 clock. The water was still not completely out of the basement (which will take several hours * sigh *) but whatever. Now we are least well equipped to ensure that it will next try the same work right away.
now there first to feed and tea and then it was better to us again. Was it pretty cold and the wind whistled around the house pretty ears.
Als wir heute nach Schwarzenbek gefahren sind (vorerst leider zum letzten Mal mit geliehenem Autochen *schnüff* Hatte ganz vergessen, wie viel Spass Auto fahren macht) traute ich meinen Augen kaum, als ich unser Hausi von der B404 aus sah. "Ne das is jetzt nich wahr oder?" I asked my sweetheart, who was also quite surprised. Arriving at the house we were first in front and not guggten bad.
Before, we were still short at the hardware store and have a wet vacuum cleaner concerned because we wanted to drain the basement. To our knowledge, the water was not even a half inches high in the basement (do not worry, only rain water, the basement is definitely tight ;-) Well, had we once looked up before driving to the hardware store. When we wanted to suck out below, we were amazed when the water was almost ankle deep was high. It also had the last two days rained damn much and since the roof was not yet halfway to. Had we really need to be clear. So the the vacuum, we were able to forget. Did we get to the hardware store again, but ne pump. Well, then that would have to go now or ratzifatzi? No way! When my hubby this strange sound "Args" was making dawned on me evil. "I've forgotten the Nupsi!" Again, the hardware store? Nope, but rabbit is the reincarnation of McGyver and somehow the thing plugged in the vacuum cleaner hose from concerned neighbors and off we went. While my love then that is because rumwerkelte and I heard the water splash, I led Lüdtke by our body shop. After the two then again went to air in her house, my hubby grumbled loudly. The exact text I want to play now, but it said that I had chosen, but rather go to the hardware store again before the neighbor's hose breaks down even further.
now there first to feed and tea and then it was better to us again. Was it pretty cold and the wind whistled around the house pretty ears.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Little Black Genital Warts
Yesterday we had a little mini-topping. The carpenters are finished shortly before our arrival. In-laws were there long and had also been picked up by the topping. As the head of the small 3-man squad then the roof went and had held the judge's decision, I was quite wet in the eyes (yes I am built in the water, not the water ;-)) father-everything has held nicely with the video camera . The shot glass has been properly break, have the two largest pieces we repealed. This should probably be lucky. Let's see, where and how I hinpacke then. Then there was a little snack in the form of pasta salad, before the men competed again the way home in Hildesheim.
The carpenters were really nice and have really done very good job as far as one can judge this as a layman. Such craftsmen one wishes :-)
Huge thanks go to my boss, may leave early for the best and of course's in-laws that you could wish for!
Even though my husband and I still have not adopted a single handshake to the house itself, we are so proud and I can not wait to move until we can. At each construction progress, it is harder to go back into the apartment.
Yesterday we had a little mini-topping. The carpenters are finished shortly before our arrival. In-laws were there long and had also been picked up by the topping. As the head of the small 3-man squad then the roof went and had held the judge's decision, I was quite wet in the eyes (yes I am built in the water, not the water ;-)) father-everything has held nicely with the video camera . The shot glass has been properly break, have the two largest pieces we repealed. This should probably be lucky. Let's see, where and how I hinpacke then. Then there was a little snack in the form of pasta salad, before the men competed again the way home in Hildesheim.
The carpenters were really nice and have really done very good job as far as one can judge this as a layman. Such craftsmen one wishes :-)
Huge thanks go to my boss, may leave early for the best and of course's in-laws that you could wish for!
Even though my husband and I still have not adopted a single handshake to the house itself, we are so proud and I can not wait to move until we can. At each construction progress, it is harder to go back into the apartment.

Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Brucci/find In Sacramento, Ca
of scaffolding, healthy diet and a ground floor ...
is ... today's episode of "Pimp our rabbit's nest".
My stomach said it well today with me. Likewise, my dearest sister in law who brought us yesterday her car over the next week, in which she and her hubby are on vacation in Denmark. Auto faaaaaaaaaaaaahrn wohoooo \\ o / So it was for the rabbits and into the car and off to Schwarzenbek. Equipped with the best of all time TomTom, I have also found their way. Normally I'm always co-driver and added ... I can not remember ever not as a passenger routes. Yes, and when we arrived, we could not believe our eyes.
There it was, the finished floor. Wir konnten es ja erst gar nicht fassen, als wir davor standen. In der Mitte haben wir den Eingang, links das Fenster vom Arbeitszimmer und rechts das Küchenfenster. Wie man sieht, hatten wir strahlend blauen Himmel. Das Gerüst steht fix und fertig da und hat auch unseren Belastungstest überstanden. Sogar ich alter Angsthase habe mich dadrauf getraut (die Leitern bin ich aber nicht hochgegangen hihi) und ich konnte mich ohne komische Angstgefühle ganz normal darauf bewegen.
Das war schon ein denkwürdiger Augenblick, zum ersten Mal in einem der Wohngeschosse zu stehen. Das schönste an allem aber überhaupt ist, dass es überhaupt nicht klein wirkt, wie ich sonst bei anderen Häusern oftmals das Gefühl hatte.
also living and dining room look very generous and, despite the rather few windows by today's standards it's pretty bright and sunny. Several birds found our ground floor also great. Those who are flying by and rumgesaust like nothing good :-) Nice that the birds feel comfortable with us. This will please our two puss hr hr hr ;-)
And this is going to be our future patio.
Is not that great? When I now think away the mound, then the garden is not quite as small as it looked like the beginning. This is certainly later look bigger, than I just imagine. I'm looking forward now to seeing our beasts romping through the garden. And much more I'm looking forward to the first beer with my hubby on the terrace, lazy geflezt in the deck chairs on the sun and fry the belly.
And as we have noted, you feed on our site during the work also healthy. Here's to healthy eating. The picture makes it seem as if you had no garbage bags encouraging construction. A look down the cellar manager confirms this. Neeee neee guys, that's non-tasty. If we go out on Wednesday, I will go and a few garbage bags Fit in some places. In addition, we will probably even have to worry about a construction waste container. Meanwhile, the broken bricks will be nice like stored in a heap and not thrown across the Wallachia, nothing is nevertheless not it beautiful. For we had now also been visited by a nice family who have moved already into her little house in the construction area. Since the garbage around the house makes no particularly beautiful sight. But that is dependent on nerve site. The boy (quite a dear!) Has the family can show me everything in the house and asked me holes in the belly, while my hubby had a talk with the heads of families.
Und bevor ich es vergesse: Danke Mutti, dass Du unser Gäste-WC ein wenig größer gemacht hast! Ist zwar immer noch klein, aber dank Deiner Verschiebung der Wand kann man sich wenigstens normal im WC umdrehen und fällt nicht gleich ins Klo.
Eigentlich wollte ich ja aus unserem Erdgeschoss gar nicht mehr raus. Wir wollten uns aber doch nochmal die Durchwegung anschauen und das Regenrückhaltebecken. Die Wege sind sehr hübsch geworden und auch der erste Rasen grünt. Mein Männe hat auch gleich ein paar Libellen entdeckt. Neben Kleibern in unserem Haus haben auch Raben einen Erkundungsflug durch das gesamte Baugebiet gemacht. Und wie wir so die Wege langliefen merkten wir, wie sich ein tiefes Gefühl der Zufriedenheit, Freude und des Wohlfühlens in uns breit machte.
Das war ein sehr sehr schöner Tag!
is ... today's episode of "Pimp our rabbit's nest".
My stomach said it well today with me. Likewise, my dearest sister in law who brought us yesterday her car over the next week, in which she and her hubby are on vacation in Denmark. Auto faaaaaaaaaaaaahrn wohoooo \\ o / So it was for the rabbits and into the car and off to Schwarzenbek. Equipped with the best of all time TomTom, I have also found their way. Normally I'm always co-driver and added ... I can not remember ever not as a passenger routes. Yes, and when we arrived, we could not believe our eyes.
Das war schon ein denkwürdiger Augenblick, zum ersten Mal in einem der Wohngeschosse zu stehen. Das schönste an allem aber überhaupt ist, dass es überhaupt nicht klein wirkt, wie ich sonst bei anderen Häusern oftmals das Gefühl hatte.
And this is going to be our future patio.
Und bevor ich es vergesse: Danke Mutti, dass Du unser Gäste-WC ein wenig größer gemacht hast! Ist zwar immer noch klein, aber dank Deiner Verschiebung der Wand kann man sich wenigstens normal im WC umdrehen und fällt nicht gleich ins Klo.
Eigentlich wollte ich ja aus unserem Erdgeschoss gar nicht mehr raus. Wir wollten uns aber doch nochmal die Durchwegung anschauen und das Regenrückhaltebecken. Die Wege sind sehr hübsch geworden und auch der erste Rasen grünt. Mein Männe hat auch gleich ein paar Libellen entdeckt. Neben Kleibern in unserem Haus haben auch Raben einen Erkundungsflug durch das gesamte Baugebiet gemacht. Und wie wir so die Wege langliefen merkten wir, wie sich ein tiefes Gefühl der Zufriedenheit, Freude und des Wohlfühlens in uns breit machte.
Das war ein sehr sehr schöner Tag!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Runner's Birthday Cake Ideas
Pleasing calls to unpleasant days
Gestern war ich zu Hause wegen leicht verstopfter Nebenhöhlen, Ohrenschmerzen und dem damit verbundenen Unwohlsein. An so herrlichen Herbsttagen wie gestern zu Hause sitzen zu müssen ist für mich ziemlich schlimm. Allerdings bekam ich einen sehr schönen Anruf von unseren Zimmerleuten, dass nächste Woche Mittwoch gerichtet wird. Das hat meine Stimmung doch erheblich gehoben. Scheinbar ist man also auf unserer Baustelle fleissig am Maurern. Nur leider werde ich mir das nicht anschauen können, da sich zu den Nebenhöhlen noch eine Gastrointestinal upset has joined again today and I'm sitting at home * grumble * Whether I can go tomorrow to Schwarzenbek, no idea :-( And I would soooooooooooo happy.
Now I'm of course all sorts of ideas for a mini- topping-out ceremony. This will probably but to be canceled must, as my hubby and I probably can not take leave for the day. Let's see what my boss on Monday thinks. Maybe I can be defined by a few extra hours and NEN tooth to work at least bring in half a day again. That would be nice.
Nevertheless, I am very happy that we are moving within the construction plan. This If we had not really expected. But it seems the golden autumn, very kind to us, because at least in Hamburg is great weather. A look at the weather forecast in Schwarzenbek they also confirm good weather. I hope it continues like this with favorable weather conditions and diligent craftsmen, then the roof covering is in the last week of October, nothing in the way. Apparently pay the almost daily prayers for a smooth process of building the house from ;-)
Meanwhile, the invoices for the basement and the Hausabsteckung paid.
Gestern war ich zu Hause wegen leicht verstopfter Nebenhöhlen, Ohrenschmerzen und dem damit verbundenen Unwohlsein. An so herrlichen Herbsttagen wie gestern zu Hause sitzen zu müssen ist für mich ziemlich schlimm. Allerdings bekam ich einen sehr schönen Anruf von unseren Zimmerleuten, dass nächste Woche Mittwoch gerichtet wird. Das hat meine Stimmung doch erheblich gehoben. Scheinbar ist man also auf unserer Baustelle fleissig am Maurern. Nur leider werde ich mir das nicht anschauen können, da sich zu den Nebenhöhlen noch eine Gastrointestinal upset has joined again today and I'm sitting at home * grumble * Whether I can go tomorrow to Schwarzenbek, no idea :-( And I would soooooooooooo happy.
Now I'm of course all sorts of ideas for a mini- topping-out ceremony. This will probably but to be canceled must, as my hubby and I probably can not take leave for the day. Let's see what my boss on Monday thinks. Maybe I can be defined by a few extra hours and NEN tooth to work at least bring in half a day again. That would be nice.
Nevertheless, I am very happy that we are moving within the construction plan. This If we had not really expected. But it seems the golden autumn, very kind to us, because at least in Hamburg is great weather. A look at the weather forecast in Schwarzenbek they also confirm good weather. I hope it continues like this with favorable weather conditions and diligent craftsmen, then the roof covering is in the last week of October, nothing in the way. Apparently pay the almost daily prayers for a smooth process of building the house from ;-)
Meanwhile, the invoices for the basement and the Hausabsteckung paid.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Flamin Hot Cheetos Cause Cancer
images from 11.30 noon today
Here are pictures of this noon, 11:30 clock:
The sun was shining. No rain and mild temparature. Optimal weather
house assembly.
Here are pictures of this noon, 11:30 clock:
The sun was shining. No rain and mild temparature. Optimal weather
house assembly.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wrestling Shoes Discontinued
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Numbness Outside Of Leg
House floor plate assembly
Today we received notification of mediums that with the House Assembly on Tuesday, starting 07.10.2008 at 07.00 clock. The delivery is scheduled in late October or 1st Week of November instead.
It is really exciting now!
Today we received notification of mediums that with the House Assembly on Tuesday, starting 07.10.2008 at 07.00 clock. The delivery is scheduled in late October or 1st Week of November instead.
It is really exciting now!
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